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Ty Evind

Can Hypnosis Help With Sleep? Cure Insomnia with Trance

I've always been a night owl prone to insomnia. Even as a child, I'd stare at the ceiling for hours waiting for sleep to come. Or for aliens to step out of my closet... The problem only got worse (not the alien part) as I got older and took on more responsibilities in life. The endless thoughts racing through my head kept me up into the wee hours. It's kind of crazy now that I look back on it.

Eventually I decided to try self hypnosis and then hypnosis recordings. I began practicing progressive muscle relaxation and visualizing peaceful nature scenes before bed. Within a few weeks of this and using a custom hypnosis recordings, I noticed a remarkable improvement in my ability to fall asleep. 

Immersing myself in the hypnotic routines gave my monkey/alien mind something positive to focus on instead of anxiously bouncing all over the place. For the first time in years, I started waking up consistently feeling refreshed and ready to seize the day.

Table of Contents:

  1. The Science Behind Hypnosis for Sleep

  2. Sleep Hypnosis Strategies for Insomnia

  3. The Benefit of Hypnosis Recordings

  4. The Takeaway: Hypnotize Yourself to Better Sleep

The Science Behind Hypnosis for Sleep

The Science Behind Hypnosis for Sleep

To understand if hypnosis can truly improve sleep, we must first explore what happens biologically when we sleep - and when we're hypnotized.

During sleep, brain wave patterns shift dramatically. The prefrontal cortex, associated with concentration, planning, and decision making, becomes less active. Theta waves linked to daydreaming and creativity increase. This explains why dreams often feel nonsensical. Muscle tone relaxes, breathing slows, and eye movements cease. This restful state allows us to consolidate memories, recharge physically, and process emotions from the day. Fail to reach the restorative stages of non-REM and REM sleep, and health consequences build up.

Under hypnosis, the brain also demonstrates unique activity patterns. Imaging studies reveal increased blood flow and connections between regions not typically linked. Focus narrows, peripheral awareness dims, and imagery becomes more real and absorbing. The mind reaches a hyper-responsive, hyper-attentive state while the body relaxes.

So while distinct from sleep, hypnosis does share similarities like relaxed muscles, slowed breathing, and diminished external awareness. This helps explain why hypnotic techniques can aid sleep.

Sleep Hypnosis Strategies for Insomnia

Sleep Hypnosis Strategies for Insomnia

Standard sleep hygiene tips like limiting blue light exposure, avoiding caffeine, and not forcing sleep are important. But adding hypnosis to your regimen provides powerful mind-body relaxation. Here are effective techniques hypnotherapists use:

Mental imagery. Visualizing calming scenes trains your mind to associate bed with peace and comfort. Picture strolling through a flowering meadow or floating effortlessly on a lake under a starry sky. Use all your senses to make these mental escapes feel more real. The more absorbed you become in the images, the more relaxed your body gets.

Progressive muscle relaxation. Starting at your toes, systematically tense and release each muscle group throughout your body. Notice the sensation of muscles relaxing deeper with each round. This physical focus helps quiet an overactive mind.

Breathing exercises. Inhale slowly through your nose while mentally counting to 4, hold for a count of 7, then exhale through your mouth for a count of 8. Regulating your breath like this activates the parasympathetic nervous system, promoting calm.

Counting down. Visualize each number, one by one, as you count down slowly from 100. If other thoughts intrude, just refocus on the numbers. The simple mental counting induces a meditative state great for easing into sleep.

Affirmations. Repeat uplifting phrases like "I am at peace" in your mind or softly out loud. Avoid negatives like "I won't be tired tomorrow." The more positive the message, the more your subconscious believes it. A personal trick I have found is to notice which affirmations have the greatest immediate effect. Write them down so that you remember them as you build your own sleep script.

Autogenic training. Mentally scan your body, suggestively releasing the tension from each part with phrases like "My arms and legs feel heavy and relaxed." Autogenics uses self-hypnosis to achieve deep relaxation.

Be patient and persistent finding the right technique for you. Over time, your mind will embrace these rituals and relaxation will come easier.

The Benefit of Hypnosis Recordings

The Benefit of Hypnosis Recordings

While self-hypnosis techniques can be very effective, listening to custom hypnosis recordings can provide extra guidance and accountability. Hypnosis recordings allow you to relax and follow along with a hypnotherapist's soothing voice leading your mind and body into deep tranquility.

Quality sleep hypnosis recordings incorporate binaural beats, calming music, affirmations, and mental imagery tailored to overcome insomnia and racing thoughts. I've found sleep recordings to be tremendously helpful when my mind is extra restless and needs an expert hypnotist to re-center itself.

There are many excellent sleep hypnosis audio programs available today. When selecting recordings, look for ones created by credentialed hypnotherapists who use proven techniques backed by scientific research. Be wary of any promises that seem too good to be true. High-quality hypnotic sleep tracks should leave you feeling peaceful and refreshed, not force you into unconsciousness.

Committing to listen to a sleep hypnosis recording before bed each night can train your mind over time to let go of stress and embrace rest. Don't hesitate to try recordings from multiple respected hypnotherapists to find the perfect voice and approach for your needs.

Hypnotize Yourself to Better Sleep

The Takeaway: Hypnotize Yourself to Better Sleep

While no magic bullet exists for insomnia, hypnosis provides drug-free, customizable tools to quiet the mind and body before bed. The research supports its value for sleep issues:

  • A Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine systematic review of hypnosis effects on sleep found 58.3% of the included studies reported hypnosis benefit on sleep outcomes.

  • Researchers at Rush University Medical Center concluded hypnosis significantly improves deep sleep quality in women with breast cancer. REM sleep also increased.

  • A meta-analysis of over 20 sleep studies determined hypnosis has moderate efficacy for treating chronic sleep disorders, especially when combined with cognitive behavioral therapy.

Adopting the hypnotic habits that work best for you requires practice. But sticking with these techniques can mean restful slumber is ahead. (Just watch out for aliens) Sweet dreams!

Suggested: Hypnosis Recordings

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