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Is Hypnosis Witchcraft? A Balanced Perspective

Hypnosis is often misunderstood and surrounded by misconceptions. A common question that arises is "Is hypnosis witchcraft?" At first glance, the trance state induced by hypnosis may seem similar to certain spiritual rituals and mystical practices. However, hypnosis itself is not a supernatural phenomenon, but rather a natural state that anyone can experience. In this article, I'll explore the facts around hypnosis and its connections and differences to magical or witchcraft practices.

Table of Contents:

  1. Close Relationship Between Deep Hypnotic State and Spiritualistic Trance

  2. What is Hypnosis Exactly?

  3. How Does Hypnosis Work?

  4. Brief History of Hypnosis

  5. Is Hypnosis Related to Witchcraft or Mysticism?

  6. Using Hypnosis for Personal Growth

  7. My Experience as a Hypnotherapist

deep hypnosis and trance

Close Relationship Between Deep Hypnotic State and Spiritualistic Trance

While hypnosis itself is not magic or supernatural, the deep hypnotic state has much in common with spiritual trances induced through mystical practices. Both involve profoundly focused attention and detachment from physical stimuli.

Advanced hypnotic techniques can induce an even more dissociated trance state. This bears remarkable similarities to shamanic journeys, vision quests, and other transcendent experiences oriented around inner exploration.

In very deep hypnosis, some have reported vivid visions, feeling transported to other realms, or a sense of merging with the universe. While the purpose differs, this demonstrates the overlap between mystical states and intensive hypnotic trances.

Certain spiritual traditions speak of different planes or levels of reality accessible through meditation, dance, drums, and rituals. Similarly, deep hypnosis provides access to hidden areas of our psyche that profoundly impact our being.

While not witchcraft, advanced hypnotherapy borrows mechanisms common to humanity's mystical and spiritual quest. For some, hypnosis can actually help integrate and ground their transcendent experiences within a therapeutic framework.

Rather than supernatural forces, the power lies within the individual's focused concentration to explore the deeper recesses of the mind. But this interior journey shares much with those induced through spiritual traditions and practices.

What is Hypnosis Exactly?

What is Hypnosis Exactly?

Hypnosis is a state of focused concentration and heightened suggestibility. It's characterized by intense absorption, a sense of detachment from the physical world, and deep relaxation.

When undergoing hypnosis, a person's body calms down as their mind becomes sharply focused. They experience reduced peripheral awareness and are able to readily accept the hypnotist's suggestions for changes in perception, emotion, thinking, or behavior.

The hypnotic state shares similarities with the normal conditions of becoming engrossed in a book, movie or activity. But hypnosis allows people to achieve an even deeper state of focused awareness and responsiveness to ideas.

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How Does Hypnosis Work?

Hypnosis is induced through relaxation techniques and mental imagery designed to calm the body and mind. The hypnotist provides suggestions for imagined scenarios to help focus the subject's concentration.

As the body relaxes, brain waves in the hypnotized person shift toward slower frequencies, similar to the alpha waves of light meditation. This allows them to tune out external stimuli and become absorbed in their inner experience.

Contrary to popular belief, the subject remains fully aware during hypnosis. They can think clearly, and choose to reject any suggestions they don't wish to accept. They are not under the hypnotist's control. The subject also emerges from the hypnotic state as soon as the process is terminated.

history of hypnosis

Brief History of Hypnosis

Hypnosis has its roots in 18th century healing practices using the power of suggestion. In the 1950s, the British and American Medical Associations approved the use of hypnosis in psychotherapy. Today it is clinically applied to help manage pain, anxiety, addiction, and more.

However, stage hypnosis has contributed to misconceptions of someone under hypnosis losing control or being unconscious. In truth, hypnotherapy is a collaborative process relying on cooperation and the subject's willingness to be hypnotized.

hypnosis witchcraft

There are similarities between the trance state of hypnosis and certain mystical practices intended to induce visions or commune with spirits. Shamanic drumming, ecstatic dancing, chanting, and some rituals can create altered states of consciousness using rhythmic stimuli.

Likewise, hypnosis relies on mental absorption and dissociation from physical sensations. While the mystical practitioner seeks spiritual enlightenment, the hypnotic subject pursues therapeutic change or personal insight.

So while hypnosis does induce a shift away from ordinary consciousness, its goals and methods are entirely separate from occult witchcraft. However, the visualizations and metaphorical language used during hypnosis can feel mystical for some.

using hypnosis for personal growth

Using Hypnosis for Personal Growth

Having dispelled the myths equating hypnosis with witchcraft, how can this practice support your personal journey? Hypnotherapy provides a powerful means to positively reshape our thoughts, emotions, habits and more.

With the assistance of a professionally trained hypnotist, you can tap into your inner wisdom and leverage the power of your subconscious mind. This allows you to advance your personal development and work toward realizing your full potential.

Some examples of using hypnosis for growth include:

  • Strengthening motivation and self-discipline

  • Overcoming limiting fears or beliefs

  • Changing unwanted habits, like smoking

  • Building confidence and self-esteem

  • Managing stress, anxiety, pain or insomnia

  • Enhancing creativity, intuition and focus

my experience as a hypnotherapist

My Experience as a Hypnotherapist

In my many years practicing hypnosis, I have worked with a diverse range of clients looking to create positive changes. While each case is unique, I have found some common themes in how people respond to hypnosis.

Many are hesitant at first, having misconceptions about losing control or hypnosis being too mystical. I always take time to explain the process and reassure them it is natural and collaborative. Building trust is essential.

Once hypnotized, most clients describe feeling pleasantly relaxed but aware. Some experience it as deeply meditative. For others it is like daydreaming with heightened imagination.

Occasionally, a subject responds with an especially intense trance depth. They sometimes report vivid sensations of floating or other non physical type experiences. While unusual, I reassure them this reflects deep relaxation.

Post-session, clients often express astonishment at the power of their inner experience. Hypnotic suggestions can quickly shift ingrained patterns. Many feel a greater sense of self-mastery and empowerment.

Over time, I’ve seen hypnosis help people reframe struggles with anxiety, trauma, addiction or lack of self-worth. Unlocking the mind's capacity to heal itself is transformative.

While not magic, hypnosis can feel mystical in its ability to reveal our hidden strengths. I feel humbled watching clients access parts of themselves they never knew existed.


Hypnosis is not supernatural witchcraft, but rather a natural mind-body process relying on heightened focus and suggestion. While mystically oriented practices can also create trance-like states, hypnotherapy aims squarely at therapeutic change and personal insights. Shedding misperceptions about hypnosis allows us to better leverage its potential for positive transformation.

If you're seeking accelerated personal growth, consider exploring our selection of hypnosis recordings. You need not fear loss of control or mystical forces - just be open to gaining a deeper understanding of your inner strengths and abilities. With an experienced, certified hypnotist, you can pave the way for making powerful lasting changes aligned with your true aspirations.

is hypnosis witchcraft_

Key Takeaways: Is Hypnosis Witchcraft

Key Takeaway


Hypnosis is a natural, focused state

Not supernatural, but uses heightened concentration and suggestion

Hypnotist does not control you

Subject remains fully aware and selective about responses

Similarities to mystical practices

Trance states induced share commonalities

Used for therapeutic change

Aims at personal growth and healing, not occult rituals

Power comes from within

Allows accessing untapped areas of psyche and potential

Provides access to subconscious

Surface mind quiets allowing deeper aspects to emerge

Safe with proper guidance

Requires professional training and subject's cooperation

Not the same as stage hypnosis

Those performances exaggerate responses

Effective for self-improvement

Habits, fears, pain, confidence can improve with hypnosis

Subjective experience varies

Relaxation, meditation, daydreams, visions, or floating sensations

Complementary to other therapies

Enhances counseling, CBT, mindfulness and more


hypnosis recordings

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