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Ty Evind

Putting Hypnosis into Practice

Hypnosis is an intriguing tool that can help people make positive changes in their lives. From boosting confidence to overcoming fears, the applications of hypnosis are wide-ranging. However, realizing the full benefits of hypnosis requires dedication and practice. This article provides tips and strategies for preparing for hypnosis sessions, practicing self-hypnosis, and sustaining confidence gains through ongoing hypnosis techniques.

Table of Contents:

Preparing for a Hypnosis Session

Proper preparation is key to getting the most out of a hypnosis session, whether working with a hypnotherapist or practicing self-hypnosis. Follow these steps to set yourself up for success:

setting goals and intentions

Set Goals and Intentions

First, think about what you hope to accomplish through hypnosis. Setting clear goals and intentions gives the hypnotic suggestions something specific to anchor onto. For instance, your goal might be:

  • To feel more self-assured in social situations

  • To be more optimistic about the future

  • To speak up confidently in meetings at work

Use positive language when framing your goals. Your subconscious mind responds better to phrases like "I am confident" rather than "I won't be anxious."

Find a Qualified Hypnotherapist

If working with a professional hypnotherapist, research their qualifications and areas of expertise. Look for someone who is properly trained and certified in hypnotherapy. Hypnosis for confidence building is one of the most common reasons people seek hypnosis, so most hypnotherapists have experience with this goal.

Consider the therapist's approach as well. Some focus on suggestion-based hypnosis while others draw from cognitive behavioral techniques. Finding the right fit can optimize your chances of boosting self-assurance through hypnosis.

Create a Supportive Environment

Whether self-hypnotizing or visiting a hypnotherapist's office, choose a quiet, comfortable space. Soft lighting and calm music can further relax the mind. Make sure to silence phones and minimize disruptions.

You may also want to give some forethought to the position you will be in during the hypnosis session. Many people find lying down most relaxing, but sitting upright in a cozy chair also works. Do what feels most natural and conducive to entering a focused, hypnotic state.

Practicing Self-Hypnosis

In addition to working with a hypnotherapist, self-hypnosis is an excellent way to reinforce positive suggestions and integrate changes. Follow these tips for productive self-hypnosis practice:

practicing self hypnosis

Choose Suitable Recordings or Apps

Look for self-hypnosis audios or apps specifically focused on confidence-building. Many will combine hypnotic inductions with affirmations, mental imagery, and other techniques aimed at bolstering self-assurance.

When selecting a recording, consider who created it and their qualifications. Registered hypnotherapists tend to make the most effective programs. Be wary of any recordings that feel "gimmicky" or make far-fetched claims.

Find a Quiet, Comfortable Space

As with in-person sessions, environment matters. Eliminate distractions by turning off devices and using headphones. Make sure you are in a place where you can fully relax without disruptions or obligations.

Get as comfortable as needed – sit back in a recliner, lie down in bed, or assume whatever position feels most soothing. This space should be your oasis for focused self-hypnosis practice.

Maintain Focus and Relaxation

Following the hypnotist's voice is key during self-hypnosis recordings. Avoid overanalyzing the words or techniques – simply let the guidance wash over you. If your mind wanders, gently bring it back to the present.

Stay receptive to the positive suggestions aimed at building confidence, rather than resisting or questioning them. Entering a relaxed, focused state allows the affirmations to bypass the critical conscious mind.

Aim to practice self-hypnosis several times per week for optimal reinforcement. Be consistent and stick with the same program for best results over time.

Sustaining Confidence Gains

While hypnosis can provide a powerful boost in confidence, sustaining these gains requires commitment. Integrate the following strategies into your daily life:

Integrate New Beliefs and Behaviors

Rather than keeping your new confidence confined to hypnosis sessions, consciously apply it to everyday situations. When you notice old habits of self-doubt resurfacing, pause and reflect on your new, empowering beliefs.

Put your bolstered confidence into action by speaking up more in meetings, initiating social activities, or pursuing challenges that previously felt daunting. The more you embody self-assurance, the more natural it will become.

Practice Positive Self-Talk and Affirmations

Keep cultivating confidence between hypnosis sessions by continually reaffirming positive beliefs. Carve out brief moments each day for optimistic internal monologues or affirmation recitations.

Post reminder notes with empowering phrases like "I am capable and self-assured." Make a voice recording of key affirmations to replay as needed for an extra confidence boost throughout the day.

Seek Ongoing Support if Needed

For some, occasional "tune-up" sessions with a hypnotherapist can help solidify changes long-term. This provides accountability and an expert guide to troubleshoot any difficulties.

Joining a peer support group also reinforces new thought and behavior patterns. Connecting with others pursuing confidence-building through hypnosis normalizes occasional setbacks while keeping motivation high.

Key Takeaways


Set clear goals and intentions for hypnosis sessions.

This gives suggestions something specific to anchor to.

Find a qualified, experienced hypnotherapist if working with a professional.

Their expertise and approach can optimize your chances of boosting confidence.

Create a relaxing environment free of disruptions.

This helps facilitate focused self-hypnosis or sessions with a hypnotherapist.

Use recordings/apps made specifically for confidence building.

They combine proven techniques to reinforce self-assurance.

Practice self-hypnosis consistently for best results over time.

Frequent reinforcement allows positive suggestions to take hold.

Apply new confidence to everyday situations.

This integrates changes into daily life rather than just hypnosis sessions.

Use positive self-talk and affirmations.

These continue instilling self-assurance between hypnosis practices.

Consider follow-up hypnotherapy or peer support groups.

Ongoing accountability and motivation help solidify gains.

View hypnosis as a journey.

This mindset leads to better long-term results than seeking a quick fix.

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